There are many reasons why a credit card from a credit union might be the most cost-efficient option for you. While credit cards from a bank come with several benefits, they also carry tons of extra fees and high-interest rates. However, suppose you decide to get a credit card from a credit union. In that case, you could enjoy common benefits like interest rates as low as 8.95% APR, a 25-day grace period, and no annual fees. Throughout this article we will go over a few of the various benefits you could receive when signing up for a credit card with ALLIANCE Credit Union. 

Are Credit Union Credit Cards Better? 

It might be tempting to sign up for the first credit card approval offer you receive in the mail or the first line of credit you find in an Online search. If you do your research though, you will find that a credit card from a credit union could be the best option for you!To understand why a credit card from a credit union could be a great option, you have to first understand the core principals of a credit union. 

A credit union is a member-owned, not-for-profit, financial cooperativethat provides a variety of banking and lending options to its community. This allows ALLIANCE to give our 37,000 members extraordinary benefits that traditional financial institutions cannot. Instead of being accountable to a few shareholders, ALLIANCE is accountable to every single member. The result of this is products like low interest rate credit cards. 

Low-Interest Rate 

At ALLIANCE, our members are more than just an account number and potential revenue. Whatever profits ALLIANCE makes go back to members in the form of higher dividends, lower rates and better access through improved technology. This is the credit union difference, and this is what allows ALLIANCE to offer some of the lowest interest rates around on credit cards. 

Minimal Fees 

In addition to low-interest rates, credit unions typically offer minimal fees associated with their credit cards and loan programs. ALLIANCE offers credit cards with no annual charges or balance transfer fees. The institutional red tape and the endless fees that are commonplace at traditional financial institutions do not exist at ALLIANCE. We are here to serve our members and that means their money and credit comes hassle-free. 

Excellent Customer Service 

We are dedicated to our for people, not profit mission and offering personalized financial support for our members. A good product is only half of the equation in today's world. At ALLIANCE, it's our customer service that makes the difference. This is where we follow through on our promise to members that they are more than just an account number. 

All of Your Finances In One Place 

To get a credit card from ALLIANCE, you must be a member. This means you must have an account with ALLIANCE, but that comes loaded with tons of other benefits. 

We offer home loans, auto loans, checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and so much more. Our loans have some of the lowest interest rates around and our savings programs have some of the highest interest rates available. Credit cards are just the tip of the iceberg and ALLIANCE is the best financial solution for the South Plains. 

Thinking About Opening a Credit Card from ACU? 

ALLIANCE credit cards provide you with a low APR, free Visa benefits, 24/7 anti-fraud protection, and free access to ATM's. An ALLIANCE Credit Union credit card is going to have benefits that are seldom beat elsewhere. 

Credit cards from ACU work like any other line of credit. You can make purchases, get a cash advance, or transfer your balance over from other cards. We offer two different cards with our Visa Secured Credit Card and our Advantage Visa Credit Card. If you want to learn more, stop by one of our branches to chat with an expert about your options or visit us online