ALLIANCE Credit Union is committed to keeping members informed of all the ways to bank smarter and safer.

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Financial Literacy Matters

Today roughly two-thirds of Americans could not pass a basic financial literacy exam, despite 44% of people in the U.S. answering "very" or "extremely" literate in a report done by Raddon.

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Car Loan Benefits

While most people would like to purchase a car using cash at the moment of purchase, borrowing money from a financial institution is a very common way for most buyers.

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Prequalified or Preapproved?

Do you know the difference between being Prequalified and Preapproved? Learn more in this ALLIANCE Article.

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Vacation Loans

The weather is warming, what are your vacation plans for this summer?

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Mortgage Insurance

Before you buy a home, you should know what mortgage insurance is and if you will need it. Also, how much does it cost?

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