Homebuying, as you may know, comes with many moving pieces, things to remember to do, and the need to stay organized. As a First Time Home Buyer, you are for the first time getting a sense of everything that comes with buying a home and getting that much closer to your dream. If your lenders have personally bought a house, they can recall the feelings and many to-dos to complete after they bought that house, meaning they have first-hand experience with what you’re going through right now.

Once you close on your house, you’re not done yet! For starters, you will still need to move, update your new address in various places, and make sure you’re prepared to live in your new home. It’s easy to forget the details, but your Loan Officer is here to help you through each step. So, don’t sweat the small stuff after you move in – Follow this list to get on track!

Key Address Updates

  1. Move over/set up utilities for new addresses (energy, water, gas, internet, cable, etc.)
  2. Update Your Address!
  3. Mailing address with USPS (including forwarding address updates)
  4. ID or driver’s license
  5. Car registration and insurance
  6. Voter registration for any needed address changes
  7. Address on bank and investment services accounts
  8. Address on credit card accounts
  9. New address for employer
  10. Find doctors and reliable professionals around you or update new your address in online medical portals
  11. Transfer subscription services to new address
  12. Register child(ren) to a school within their area

Moving/Post-Moving Essentials

  1. Line up a pet sitter (or other arrangements) for moving day
  2. Organize and unpack moving boxes by rooms
  3. Consider autopay to stay on top of monthly home payments and expenses (HOA fees, property taxes, etc.)
  4. Child-proof and pet-proof the new space
  5. Purchase a security system
  6. Purchase cleaning supplies that fit your new home’s needs
  7. Stock up the pantry, fridge, freezer and cabinets
  8. Buy a gift for your realtor or Real Estate Agent
  9. Meet your neighbors!
  10. Invite family and friends over to celebrate.